Kentucky Consumer Finance

Kentucky Consumer Finance

Kentucky Consumer Finance Association
Working to promote responsible small dollar lending and protecting consumers’ access to credit.
The Kentucky Consumer Finance Association was founded in 1933 to advocate for a positive operating environment for consumer loan companies, which are traditional installment lenders whose business model dates back to the late-1800s.
Our members are licensed and regulated by the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions and make loans up to $15,000 and according to the rate tiers authorized in KRS 286.4-530.
The loans our members make are a vital part of the economy by helping individuals purchase consumer products like furniture and automobiles; make equipment purchases for small businesses; and small personal loans not made by other financial institutions.
The unique quality of KCFA members are that we are local with offices in nearly 100 Kentucky counties. This means that we know our customers and can work to meet their personal financial needs whether its establishing credit or helping them finance personal or business growth.
KCFA Membership
Strength In Numbers!!!! Join or Renew your annual KCFA membership below!
Associate Membership
For Allied Businesses
Not For Consumer Loan/Finance Companies
Annual Dues
For companies whose business is allied to and/or enhances the consumer finance industry in Kentucky and having business ethics' in line with the purposes of the Kentucky Consumer Finance Association.
2023 Associate Member Dues Letter
Full Membership
For Consumer Loan/Finance Companies
Annual Dues
For companies duly licensed under the Kentucky Consumer Loan Act of the Commonwealth of Kentucky engaged in the business of making loans and having business ethics' in line with the purposes of the Kentucky Consumer Finance Association.
2023 Member Dues Verification Form
KCFA Updates
Stay Informed about Our Industry
December 13, 2022When the 2022 session got underway on January 4th, the General Assembly’s constitutional duties were the redistricting of congressional and legislative districts and the passage of a biennial state budget. The legislature not only carried out these constitutional duties, but also passed a major...April 9, 2021The Session of 2021 -- One for the History Books When the short, 30-day 2021 Regular Session of the General Assembly gaveled in on January 5 some things were clear. It was clear that it would be a session unlike others under the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic with very limited public access to...Connect With Us
We are here to serve you...so contact us!!!
Office - 502-226-3975
© 2019